Call the office to schedule an appointment!
If you or someone you know is considering counseling, the first step is to call the office to schedule an appointment. You will probably get the voicemail. Please leave a message with your name and phone number and I will return your call promptly. Calls are completely confidential. My schedule is somewhat flexible and can accommodate various meeting times during the days of the week. In our initial phone conversation we will determine the best day and time for a first meeting that fits both of our schedules. After the phone conversation, you can download, print, and fill out the 3 forms to bring with you to the appointment. If you do not have that ability, there are copies of the forms in the office you can fill out upon arrival. The office phone number is (980) 255-8678.
What to expect at the first appointment!
This is a time for us to sit down and get to know one another. During this time we may also discuss what has led you to seek counseling. If we agree that this seems to be a workable relationship, we can discuss a few of the details of what the counseling process will be like. We will also determine the fee for each session and set a day and time to begin the counseling process.
We will begin to meet regularly!
Now we will begin to follow up on the issues that led you to seek counseling. Discussing those issues will help us determine what area(s) we need to focus on to develop potential solutions. Next we will discuss setting some attainable goals and plan a strategy together on how to help you meet those goals. As part of the process, we will periodically evaluate our progress and, if necessary, redesign the goals, the plan, or the methods we are using. At the end of this meeting, we will determine the frequency of the upcoming sessions together (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly). Each of our sessions will be 60 minutes. The first 50 minutes will be the counseling session – the last 10 minutes will be for scheduling and payment. The end result is to help you discover a more lasting peace and a deeper level of satisfaction in your personal life and relationships.